Immigration Update – February 2025

Immigration / 25 February 2025
Immigration Update – February 2025

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has continued to make or propose significant changes in the immigration space including in relation to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) scheme and other categories. We set out some of the most recent updates below:

New median wage indexed for some categories but not others

INZ have released policy that confirms that from 28 February 2025 the new median wage rate of $33.56 per hour will be used as an index rate or specific rate to allow:

  1. AEWV holders working in AZNSCO skill level 4-5 Green List roles to support a partner for a Partnership Work Visa;
  2. New Zealand residents and citizens to support parents for resident visas under the Parent Category.

AEWV workers working in ANZSCO skill level 1-3 roles will need to be paid at least $26.85 per hour to support a partner for a Partnership Work Visa.

AEWV workers will need to be paid at least $55,844 gross per annum to support dependent children for student or visitor visa applications.

Notably, INZ have been silent on using the increased median wage rate in respect to other visa categories. It is possible that until there are further changes, there will be different iterations of the median wage to work with along with market rates.

Removal of median wage rate

INZ has confirmed that for AEWV and Job Check applications, from 10 March 2025 market rates will be used instead of the median wage rate of $29.66 per hour.

Interim visa changes

INZ has confirmed that from 8 April 2025:

  1. AEWV applicants who held a student visa or any type of work visa will have work conditions only allowing them to work to the conditions of the Job Check token that is used to support their AEWV application. For example, if the approved Job Check token is for a Civil Engineer role in Auckland paying $46 per hour for an employer, the person that submitted the AEWV application would only be able to work in accordance with these conditions.
  2. If a person works while holding an interim visa based on the information above in point 1, the time worked will count towards their maximum period of stay.

Primary School Teachers

NZ have confirmed that from 26 March 2025 Primary School Teachers will be added to the Tier 1 Green List.

Fixed Price Offer

  • Feel like you might need some training on all the immigration changes and compliance? We can offer a one-hour training session and more detailed cheat sheet, either in person or virtually at a cost of $1,000-$1500 plus GST, covering:
    • an overview of New Zealand’s immigration system
    • overview of different visa and immigration categories and requirements relevant to your business
    • upcoming relevant changes to the immigration policies
    • information on things to keep an eye to identify breaches if they occur
    • information around visa expiries and maximum periods of stay
    • a question-and-answer session.

Message for Employers

The immigration space continues to change. Our team of specialists are ready to help with bespoke and practical advice and solutions on navigating the tricky immigration landscape. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need help.

Disclaimer: We remind you that while this article provides commentary on employment law, health and safety and immigration topics, it should not be used as a substitute for legal or professional advice for specific situations. Please seek legal advice from your lawyer for any questions specific to your workplace.

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