Policy Handbooks – Fixed Price Offer

General, Employment Law / 27 October 2022
Policy Handbooks – Fixed Price Offer

Being clear about what is expected of employees is a fundamental part in ensuring a successful employment relationship. An employee handbook is a great tool to set guidelines for employees, to reflect your organisational culture and set out your values/vision. It can also cover any additional rules/code of conduct guidelines that you wish in order to set expectations around behaviour.

A handbook sits externally to your employment agreement, and following consultation with/notice to employees, can easily be changed to suit your needs. This is in contrast to changes to employment agreement terms and conditions which require agreement from the employee.

We recommend the following as best practice policy documents to include in an employee handbook (as applicable):

  • Uniform/personal presentation;
  • Performance/pay review process;
  • Emergency procedure;
  • Training and development;
  • Working from home/flexible work arrangements;
  • Temporary operations;
  • Electronic communications (covering internet/social media) and mobile phones;
  • Travel and expenses;
  • Confidentiality;
  • Privacy;
  • Leave (covering application requirements and timeframes);
  • Driving and vehicle use;
  • Drug and alcohol testing (if required); and
  • Bullying, harassment, and discrimination;

A handbook should also include or explain where to find key forms such as for leave applications and expense claims and key contact details.

Fixed Price Offer

We are offering a fixed price on handbooks including the policies above, of $3,500 (plus GST and disbursements), which is a significant reduction in the cost of preparing the policies individually. If you would like us to prepare a fixed price handbook for your business, please contact our team.

Disclaimer: We remind you that while this article provides commentary on employment law, health and safety and immigration topics, it should not be used as a substitute for legal or professional advice for specific situations. Please seek legal advice from your lawyer for any questions specific to your workplace.


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