Opening your business at Alert Level 3 – Are you prepared?
COVID-19 / 31 July 2021

As areas south of Auckland head into Level 3, our team are on hand nationwide to assist with advice on what this means for your workplace
Business rules for Alert Level 3
The Government has released guidance on operating during Alert Level 3.
Workplace tips to operating safely at Alert Level 3
Below are some practical workplace tips businesses should consider when opening safely during Alert Level 3:
- Check industry guidance on safe work, the Ministry of Health website and
- Check your health and safety obligations and how these will be met
- Consider implementing a Temporary Operations Policy (see further below)
- Determine who will return to work and whether work from home will continue for some workers
- For workers working from home, consider a Working From Home Policy
- Communicate with employees returning to work and identify whether any are currently/what will happen if they later are:
- in the ‘at risk’ category
- required to self-isolate
- unwell with covid-19 symptoms
- unable to work due to childcare arrangements
- unable to work for any other COVID-19 related reason
- Prepare any health and safety training required e.g. wearing/disposal of PPE, cleaning, return to work refreshers on high risk tasks
- Designate responsibilities for monitoring and reporting on health and safety measures
- Decide how you will communicate instructions and processes to employees
- Conduct pre-work workplace checks e.g., air quality checks, equipment servicing
- Assess and implement additional health and safety controls needed
- Prepare a declaration for workers confirming their disclosure of key information to you, and requiring their compliance with your processes as well as the Government’s requirements outside the workplace
- Consider the issues of vaccinations and whether a Vaccination Policy is needed
Policies are a great flexible way to communicate workplace expectations, and we recommend businesses consider implementing:
- Temporary Operations Policy to set out your expectations of staff during different alert levels and the reasonably practicable steps you are taking to ensure your employees are safe;
- COVID-19 Vaccination Policy (plus the necessary risk assessment for roles within the business); and
- Working from Home Policy
Disclaimer: We remind you that while this article provides commentary on employment law and health and safety topics, it should not be used as a substitute for legal or professional advice for specific situations. Please seek legal advice from your lawyer for any questions specific to your workplace.