Fixed Price Offer – Drug and Alcohol Policy
Drug Testing, General / 18 November 2020

Do you have a drug and alcohol policy in place? If so, is it current for best practice?
In light of the recent cannabis referendum, and while there will be no change to the law on this, it has sparked fresh debate on the already contentious issue of workplace testing.
Having a full and fair policy is crucial to ensure you can follow through with testing and lawfully take action.
To ensure you have a best practice drug and alcohol policy, we are offering to conduct a free review of the strength of your current drug and alcohol policy. We can also provide a new and robust policy for a fixed price of $750 plus GST and disbursements (usually $1500 plus GST and disbursements). This offer is available until the end of 2020 only.
If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please contact Alice Tipoki-Lawton –