New Year, New Start – Health and Safety
General / 23 January 2020
Below are a few tips to kick the year off on the right foot, health and safety wise
- Review Your risk Registers
a. What are your critical risks?
b. Are you up to date with recent industry guidance?
c. Apply the hierarchy of controls and eliminate risks where you can. PPE and administration controls should be used only when the risk remains. - Can Your Workers Identify Hazards?
a. Can your workers assess and manage risks?
b. Have your workers received hazard identification training? - Schedule Workplace Inspections
a. Schedule unannounced spot checks in your workplace.
b. Discuss safety with workers before they start a job – ensure these discussions are reflected in a Standard Operating procedure, JSA or Task Analysis.
c. Are you following industry guidance? - Health Monitoring
a. If you work with a substance that may be hazardous to health, consider consulting an occupational health practitioner with knowledge, skills and experience in health monitoring. - Incident and Accident Investigation and Reporting
b. Do your workers know how to report incidents and accidents?
c. Have all recent accidents and incidents been documented?
d. Have you carried out investigations and taken steps to prevent the reoccurrence of events?
e. Review accident and incident data for trends e.g., are accidents occurring at a certain time of the day? Who is involved – less experienced workers or more experienced?
If you need help reviewing your policies and procedures to ensure they are fit for purpose or help to get the above underway, please contact your nearest team member.
Disclaimer: We remind you that while this article provides commentary on employment law and health and safety topics, it should not be used as a substitute for legal or professional advice for specific situations. Please seek legal advice from your lawyer for any questions specific to your workplace.